What is the Mortality Mindset?

Immortality is killing you!

We’re all mortal, but the uncomfortable truth of that reality leads most of us to live as though we’re immortal.

  • Living as though there’ll always be more time.
  • Making decisions as though there’ll be “enough time”.
  • Treating people as though we’ll have time to say the things that need to be said… later.
  • Treating ourselves as though there’ll be enough time to get around to our hopes and dreams.

Immortality is killing you. 

Who came up with this... and why?

Hi! My name is Patrick Mathieu and I’m Mortal.

I know this because I know when I’m going to die. I was born with multiple complex congenital heart defects. Despite that, I was fortunate enough to live a very normal life.  No surgeries, no medications, no hospitalizations. And then… when I was eighteen years old, a cardiologist told me that he and his team hoped I would live to be 30 years old!

It took six long and difficult years to come to terms with the news that my life was more than half over. In time, I realized that this prognosis wasn’t a death sentence – it was a call to action!

I took the numerals of my 30th birthday, converted them into a barcode, and had it tattooed on my arm where it serves as a daily reminder to live in the present moment.

In 2003, at the age of 33, I started sharing my message with others.

  • I begin delivering keynote speeches and workshops about what I was calling the Power of Mortality.
  • I wrote a book that was published in 2005.
  • I was featured in a feature-length documentary film.
  • I’ve appeared on numerous TV & radio programs, including an hour-long interview on Oprah & Friends.  
  • I’ve been a certified coach since 2007. 

 Over the years, my message and my story have helped thousand of people. Over and over again, I’ve been humbled with incredible stories from people who’ve made powerful changes in their lives because of this message.


Now, at the age of 51 years old, my perspective on mortality continues to evolve.  

Mortality isn’t simply a reality that we need to understand deeply – it’s not an on/off switch. Instead, it’s actually a challenging mindset we need to constantly practice on a daily basis in order to live like it matters.

And it’s a mindset that we need to consciously preserve – lest we end up slipping back into the alluring and dangerously comforting world of the Immortals. 

On this site, I share my personal observations and thoughts around living the Mortality Mindset. I do this through articles and an audio podcast.